The fundamental aim behind Knowlah is to provide you with the best possible training. To that end we have assembled a wide team of instructors who have the experience and knowledge to help you. 


Badley Ashton was established in 1982 as a high quality geoscience consultancy, providing specialist reservoir description and prediction advice to the oil and gas industry worldwide. Our multi-disciplinary carbonate and clastic specialist teams are carefully structured so they can provide robust integrated solutions to today's industry challenges. We have a long history of providing training to the oil and gas industry. Courses and workshops are tailored to the needs of asset teams and can be classroom or field based.

The company is registered in the United Kingdom. , [email protected] , +44 (0)1507 588353


Virtual Petrophysics is a global company founded in 2013 with over 300 years combined oil industry experience that is reflected in the expert quality of our workflows and deliverables. We specialise in solving petrophysical problems in difficult to evaluate conventional and unconventional reservoirs using our global experience and well tested workflows.

We deploy our expertise and technologies to solve reservoir challenges such as producibility in Tight Gas Sands, underestimation of resource in Thinly Bedded low contrast / low resistivity oil and gas reservoirs while incorporating our proprietary Rock Pore Typing workflow. RPT’s describes the pore system hydraulics to improve reservoir modelling of permeability and water saturation.

Significant cost savings are realised with our expert processing workflows and interpretation experience for NMR, BOREHOLE IMAGE and FULL WAVEFORM SONIC logs. We recognise the importance and value of high-quality special tool processing, including Acoustic P&S measurements required for porosity, time-to-depth, synthetic well ties, AVO processing and shear wave anisotropy. Our NMR experience includes objective driven programme design, real-time acquisition QC, calibration, processing and interpretation of core, wireline and/or LWD NMR measurements.

We invite you to visit examples of our SERVICES online. Virtual Petrophysics is a VIP Consultancy of Paradigm Geolog petrophysical platform and has the full complement of petrophysical tools to solve your reservoir challenges.

The company is registered in Singapore, with representation in Australia, New Zealand, Nigeria, Pakistan, UK, and the UAE., [email protected], +64 22 4180 980


Seismic Carbonates is a new consulting company created to recognize and characterize carbonate structures at a basin to prospect/reservoir scale, using seismic stratigraphy, sequence stratigraphy and seismic attribute imaging. SC also helps assess and rank carbonate prospects and predict reservoir properties of carbonate sedimentary and diagenetic (including fractured) plays, through seismic analysis, field and outcrop analog study and core, thin section and well-log integration. Last, but not least, SC provides training for industry and academia on recognition and characterization of carbonate structures from seismic data. The expertise supporting SC includes an extensive and worldwide (e.g. SE Asia, Middle East, Mex/US GOM, S/N Mediterranean, Caribbean, Russia, West Africa, Black Sea, Portugal, Ireland) project experience in Proterozoic, Paleozoic, Mesozoic and Tertiary carbonate plays.

The company is registered in Italy, under its founder’s name, Marcello Badalì., [email protected], +39 3383880861


NiMBUC Geoscience is an independent Geoscience Consultancy that specializes on the analysis and interpretation of subsurface data, such as Borehole Image Logs, Open Hole Logs, Cores and Seismic. Our team members are highly skilled geoscience experts, with over 60 years of profound experience in different geographic regions, reservoir types and geological settings.

Founded and registered in Vienna, Austria in 2017, NiMBUC Geoscience is a fully privately owned consultancy firm that provides independent and unbiased analyses of your subsurface data.

NiMBUC Geoscience is committed to providing the best suitable solutions for our clients’ subsurface projects for Oil & Gas, Geothermal Energy and Underground Storage Facilities. By utilizing our integrated expertise, we strive support our clients in achieving their targets in a sustainable and cost-effective manner. By maintaining our independence, we provide an unbiased evaluation of data as well as a competent and diligent analysis.

The company is registered in Austria., [email protected], +43 664 244 0612


International Reservoir Technologies, Inc. of Lakewood, Colorado provides worldwide petroleum reservoir management consulting services. Incorporated in 1989, IRT offers a full range of services required for addressing the simplest single well problems to the completion of complex field appraisal and development plans.

IRT employs experienced professionals who provide advanced reservoir management solutions for all aspects of a project from seismic interpretation to integration of subsurface evaluations with surface facilities requirements or constraints. Following completion of initial studies, IRT provides ongoing reservoir management assistance to its clients.

IRT uses the best tools possible in arriving at reservoir management solutions for our clients. State-of-the-art technical software and hardware aid in performing our clients studies. Our staff is trained on a variety of software platforms, and we have the capability to match software used by our clients to ensure complete data/technology transfer. Commitment to our company, demonstrated by staff ownership, helps IRT achieve its goals of technical excellence combined with the highest possible level of integrity.

The company is registered in Colorado, USA., [email protected], +1 (303) 279-0877


Applied Petroleum Technology (APT) has offices in Norway, UK, USA and Canada, and laboratories in Norway and the UK. The company, which was established in 2000, offers high quality analyses and consulting services to the oil industry, within the areas of exploration and production and the disciplines of geochemistry, biostratigraphy and petroleum systems modelling. Our unique mix of cutting edge technology and highly regarded laboratory services, together with staff boasting extensive offshore and operator experience allows us to provide our clients with a service like no other. APT experts have considerable experience of providing training to the oil and gas industry.

The company is registered in Norway., [email protected], +47 45396000

Aeon Geoscience Systems

AEON provides an integrated geo-data management platform offering an intuitive and low-cost solution to knowledge management within the industry. Efficient data management techniques incorporated within the AEON platform reduces the downtime caused through traditional data navigation and migration processes creating a data-rich environment for our usership.

The web-based platform comprises of a suite of products that support multiple geoscience workflows across industry enabling data to be securely stored and accessed by local or remote teams. Whether it’s a system to manage your E&A portfolio, a wellbore or core analysis solution or a tool to navigate public data, the AEON suite is ideally placed to explore geoscience data.

The advantage of a single software offering a range of products is that the majority of data remains in a single database and is readily accessible for different workflows in each of the products. This has a significant impact on user efficiency as well as the immeasurable benefits offered through analysis of these cross-disciplinary datasets which is only achieved through a fully integrated data solution.

The company is registered in the UK.

Needham Geoscience Ltd

Needham Geoscience Limited is a UK-based, globally operating, structural geology consultancy founded in 2007. The company offer a wide range of services, including structural restoration, seismic-scale analysis, interpretation and QC plus fault seal analysis. Other services include structural core description, image log interpretation, regional and basin-scale studies. Training courses in applied structural geology, fault seal analysis and fractured reservoirs are offered and tailored to the needs of clients.

The company is registered in the UK. [email protected], +44 (0)1943-277030


Canadian Discovery is an independent, global energy information services company headquartered in Calgary, Alberta, Canada. Over the last 30+ years we have evolved to deliver subsurface data, analytics and expertise via online applications and supporting consultancy services. Our subsurface expertise is valued by geoscientists, engineers, investors and executives at hundreds of organizations worldwide to gain insights and make strategic decisions.

Canadian Discovery is a world leader in basin evaluations including assessing reservoir property, pressure, fluid flow, fluid chemistry and geomechanics required for CCUS site identification and optimization. Our data compilation and analytics expertise combined with GIS capabilities have been most recently levered by a multi-national energy company to compile a CCUS Atlas for British Columbia & onshore Southern US and current atlas project in Alberta. CDL is currently engaged in and continues to pursue a variety of other domestic and international CCUS opportunities and advance Deep Geothermal Energy and Critical Minerals potential.

The company is registered in Calgary, Canada , [email protected]

Millennia SC Ltd

Millennia SC Ltd. provides high-quality multi-disciplinary stratigraphic interpretation services through in-house staff and associates comprising a range of industry and academic leading expert stratigraphers in all disciplines (micropalaeontology, palynology, nannofossils, together with specialised services such as isotope analysis, and macrofossil identification).

Our team have extensive experience working in all areas of the world and throughout the geological column, at office and wellsite locations, in frontier through to mature basins around the world. This covers all areas of drilling operations (post-drill & wellsite); from single wildcat and exploration well projects, multi-well appraisal drilling and high-resolution reservoir bio-steered wells, in both conventional and unconventional drilling projects.

Our objective is to provide significant and focussed post-drill and ‘real-time’ geological, stratigraphic, and reservoir-based data to our client teams, to allow them to make informed technical and well-safety decisions in a cost-effective manner. This is achieved by close and direct contact of our specialists working on the projects with the client teams to ensure timely delivery of data, and its application to in-house geological modelling.

The company is registered in the UK. [email protected], +44 1296 681265